Help us to support UCLH in areas where funds are needed most

Charitable funds are always needed to support patients, staff and research over and above what the NHS provides.

As NHS budgets continue to be under increasing pressure, charitable funding is needed more than ever before.  Having non-restricted funding available enables us to respond quickly to unpredictable health needs for patients and staff.

These non-restricted funds have helped us to:

  • provide staff with meals, snacks, beverages and improved rest areas during the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic, and continued well-being support for UCLH staff post-pandemic
  • purchase new state-of-the art equipment including the latest hyper-imaging scanners to improve diagnosis and treatment
  • improve patient waiting rooms, wards and hospital environments so they are less clinical and more ‘home from home’
  • develop additional nursing and psycho-social support posts to provide additional support to patients and their families 

By donating to ‘where it’s needed most’ you are helping us to respond rapidly to what is needed, when it is needed most.