Home About Fundraising team
Meet our fundraising team - if you'd like to support UCLH, get in touch. The team would love to hear from you.
Email: carol.haraldsson@nhs.net
Tel: 07852 221000
Email: tayyibah.ahmed5@nhs.net
Email: Elizabeth.cubitt2@nhs.net Tel: 07816 257693
E-mail: louise.davey@nhs.net
Tel: 020 3447 7737
E-mail: rosannah.dawood@nhs.net
Tel: 07733 016718
E-mail: sara.goldman@nhs.net
Tel: 07908 258272
Email: briony.lambert2@nhs.net
Email: victoria.marshall23@nhs.net
E-mail: david.milsom1@nhs.net Tel: 07977 191780
E-mail: bianca.ncube@nhs.net
E-mail: Kelly.orbell@nhs.net
E-mail: gillian.reid16@nhs.net
Tel: 07870 805573
E-mail: simon.tolhurst@nhs.net
Tel: 020 3447 9526
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